Chile Intensive - Rough Patagonia, Cone-Shaped Volcanoes and the Driest Desert in the World

Journey for from to

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Discover Chile in all its facets. You visit the vibrant capital Santiago with its many faces, historical places and great city panoramas. At Puerto Natales you dive into the wild nature of southern Patagonia with massive mountains, turquoise lakes and mighty glacier ice. Travel to one of the southernmost cities in the world and observe the agile bustle of King Penguins on Tierra del Fuego. Admire picturesque waters near Puerto Varas and wooden churches on the island of Chiloé. At San Pedro de Atacama, sandy moonscapes and salt lakes, bubbling geysers and starry skies surround you. And colorful hills, jolting elevators and outstanding street art await you in the port city of Valparaíso. Chile with its incredible natural diversity and loving people welcomes you with open arms.


Vibrant capital at the foot of the Andes

Natural spectacle Torres del Paine

Conical volcanoes in front of Puerto Varas

The driest desert in the world

Colorful hills of Valparaíso



- Santiago -
- Santiago -

Pulse of the capital

Welcome to Chile! You arrive in the capital of the narrow Andean country and head for your accommodation. Gather yourself after your long flight and follow the energetic pulse of the metropolis. Here in Santiago beats the heart of Chile. And at the same time, at the foot of the snow-covered mountains and not far from the mighty ocean, you feel what gave this country its name according to a legend: Chilli - where the world ends.

- Santiago -
- Santiago -

Past, present and future of the country

Glorious buildings and busy commerce on the streets, flourishing parks and modern high-rise complexes come together in Santiago. Here, Chile's past, present and future collide directly. Explore on your own the traditional center with the bright Plaza de Armas and its popular cathedral, the government palace La Moneda and the green city hill Santa Lucía. Browse Santiago's trendy districts before getting to know the elegant facade of the metropolis. The afternoon is free to delve into Chile's art and history by visiting the exhibition hall of Bellas Artes or the Museo de la Memoria.

- Cajón del Maipo / Santiago -
- Cajón del Maipo / Santiago -

In the middle of the Andes in front of Santiago

The Andes tower sturdily to the east of Santiago. Condors fly over the white mountain ridges and volcanoes lie in a nebulous sleep. The secrets of the Andean habitat of central Chile get revealed on an individual excursion to the Cajón del Maipo. Through the narrow Maipo Valley snakes the same-named river, which you follow up to the friendly Andean town of San José de Maipo. Deeper in the mountains, a glacier boasts between the peaks. And the peaceful secrecy of the Yeso Dam seems like a counterpoint from the excited yet close capital.

Puerto Natales

- Puerto Natales -
- Puerto Natales -

Into the heart of Patagonia

You move on to the extreme south of Chile. After a domestic flight you land in Punta Arenas and head to Puerto Natales. Here is the gateway to the grandiose phenomena of Patagonia. Before entering more intensively into this enthralling nature, first get absorbed by the vivid and dreamy mood of the town. Have a walk along the promenade of the Fjord Última Esperanza and breathe in the fresh air of the fissured tip of South America.

- Torres del Paine National Park / Puerto Natales -
- Torres del Paine National Park / Puerto Natales -

Mountains, glacial ice and lakes of Torres del Paine

It is one of the most significant attractions of the continent and a valued destination for hiking enthusiasts around the world: the famous Torres del Paine National Park. Discover on your own the highlights of this nature reserve. Turquoise lakes and jagged granite mountains, floating ice floes and grazing guanacos combine to create an incomparable scenery of Patagonia.

- Balmaceda and Serrano / Puerto Natales -
- Balmaceda and Serrano / Puerto Natales -

Fjord trip to Balmaceda and Serrano Glaciers

Today you can enjoy the fascination of Patagonia by water. Join a boat trip and cruise on the Fjord Última Esperanza to the glaciers Balmaceda and Serrano in the Bernardo O'Higgins National Park. On your tour across the strait, look out for steep mountains, colonies of sea lions and cormorants, southern beech forests and small waterfalls. It is rough out here and magical.

- Torres del Paine National Park / Puerto Natales -
- Torres del Paine National Park / Puerto Natales -

Up to the Torres Peaks

Go on a day hike in the Torres del Paine National Park on your own, for example to the peaks Las Torres. Here you get a sense of the wilderness, the force and beauty of Patagonia. The hike of about ten hours and about 20 kilometers is physically demanding, but you are gifted with unforgettable impressions.

Punta Arenas

- Punta Arenas -
- Punta Arenas -

The end of the world

You travel to Punta Arenas, one of the southernmost cities on earth. Here, in front of the Strait of Magellan and facing the island of Tierra del Fuego, you are in a truly historic place. Epochs of great adventures, booming trade and terrible tragedies characterize Punta Arenas as much as the fresh wind that sweeps through its streets. This is where the American continent ends. And that is how it feels.

- Tierra del Fuego / Punta Arenas -
- Tierra del Fuego / Punta Arenas -

King Penguins on Tierra del Fuego

Today you have the opportunity to enter the legendary island of Tierra del Fuego. After a ferry ride across the fabulous Strait of Magellan, you can encounter a remarkable colony of penguins in Pingüino Rey Park about 100 kilometers southeast of Porvenir. King Penguins with orange beaks and up to nearly one meter tall, breed in groups, waddle around and groom their plumage. There is a special aura that pervades Tierra del Fuego, which you soak up here.

Puerto Varas

- Puerto Varas -
- Puerto Varas -

Magic of the Lake Region

The midpoint of Chile's Lake Region awaits you. Puerto Varas carries its own magic with its panorama of the sparkling Lago Llanquihue and the snowy volcanoes on the horizon, with German architecture and inviting cafes. Saunter through the quaint core of the town, pause on the lakeshore and devote all your senses to this extraordinary concord.

- Río Petrohué / Puerto Varas -
- Río Petrohué / Puerto Varas -

Waterfalls of Río Petrohué and active Osorno Volcano

Today you can follow the southern shore of the Llanquihue Lake to Chile's oldest National Park, Vicente Pérez Rosales. Inexhaustible rapids of Río Petrohué break over the volcanic rocks and roar impetuously. Afterwards, you might focus on the magnificent heritage of Chilean tectonics. With its cone shape and snow-capped dome, Volcán Osorno looks like something out of a picture book. Drive up to the ski station of the volcano and surrender to the great perspectives on the huge, deep blue Lago Llanquihue.

- Chiloé / Puerto Varas -
- Chiloé / Puerto Varas -

The unique island of Chiloé

Turn your attention to the special nature and culture of Chiloé. Colorful stilt houses line the shores of the country's second largest island. Penguins, dolphins and seals cavort on the shores. The Chiloé National Park attracts its visitors with rugged cliffs and green hilly landscapes. Wooden churches, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, dominate the image of the villages just as indigenous mythology influences their inhabitants. And the local maritime gastronomy is particular.

- Lago Todos los Santos / Puerto Varas -
- Lago Todos los Santos / Puerto Varas -

Sealed Villa Peulla on Lago Todos los Santos

Feel the gentle as well as vigorous essence of the Lake Region. From Petrohué you can cross the iridescent Lake Todos los Santos. Round views of volcanoes, dense forests and the snowy Andes appear on a boat trip to Villa Peulla. This tranquil village in the middle of Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park is completely cut off from the outside world and accessible only by water. Here, you can study its truly privileged environment on your own, or you join an optional kayak tour, horseback ride, or waterfall hike.

San Pedro de Atacama

- San Pedro de Atacama -
- San Pedro de Atacama -

The veins of the driest desert in the world

Steaming geysers, bizarre lunar landscapes, majestic volcanoes and the magical starry sky – this and more is presented by the Atacama Desert around the oasis of San Pedro de Atacama, which welcomes you. First, get to know the special charm of this bustling little town. With its isolated vitality, San Pedro appears like the central vein of the driest desert in the world. Experience instantly this duality of such a lively place in a seemingly hostile environment.

- Salar de Atacama / San Pedro de Atacama -
- Salar de Atacama / San Pedro de Atacama -

Andean lagoons, Salar de Atacama and the Moon Valley

In the solitude of the Atacama Desert, mirror-like mountain lagoons spread out over 4,000 meters above sea level, which you can tackle in the morning. Pink-feathered flamingos gather on the shores of Andean waters, watched over by cone-shaped volcanoes. And between small desert settlements with traditional adobe architecture stretches the crusted salt field of the immeasurable Salar de Atacama. In the afternoon, as part of an optional tour, you can focus on the Valle de la Luna, whose name suggests the structure of the terrain: this fascinating desert scenery looks like a lunar landscape, like the ground of an alien planet. As the sun dips on the horizon and the surreal salt mountains darken to a reddish blue, you climb the sandy dunes and let yourself be captivated by this preeminent show of Mother Earth.

- Geysers del Tatio / San Pedro de Atacama -
- Geysers del Tatio / San Pedro de Atacama -

Bubbling Tatio Geysers and views into the starry sky

Seize the opportunity to visit the famous Tatio Geysers. You enter the Andes and ride to the craters of the El Tatio Volcano at about 4,300 meters above sea level. Smoke rises from the bubbling geysers, in which you can bathe at dawn, while vicuñas and rheas roam the mountains. With these versatile impressions of the Atacama Desert you return to San Pedro, where you let the pictures of this unreal nature sink in. Or you join an astronomical excursion on your own. Here you quickly understand why this region is considered one of the world's best starting points for star researchers.

- Valle del Arcoíris / San Pedro de Atacama -
- Valle del Arcoíris / San Pedro de Atacama -

The range of colors of the desert

The name of the Valle del Arcoíris is symptomatic: the rock stratifications created by clay and minerals resemble a rainbow in the middle of the desert. Reddish, green, yellow and white earth tones merge into a splendid play of colors, which you can observe up close during a circuit. The road leads along a small farming and artisan settlement, curious mountain ranges and the indigenous petroglyphs of Yerbas Buenas.


- Valparaíso -
- Valparaíso -

Miniature of Chile's diversity

Your journey continues to Valparaíso. The port city is known for its colorful tin-clad houses perched on its many hills, its historic elevators, and views of the dazzling ocean in front of the broad mountain silhouette. Meander attentively through the winding sidewalks of this freedom-loving coastal metropolis and scale Valparaíso's myriad, exhilaratingly designed stairways. Or you may spontaneously decide to take a short boat trip in the Pacific Bay and contemplate the aesthetics of this extroverted place from the sea.

- Valparaíso -
- Valparaíso -

Over the hills of the port city

Soak up the temperament of the port city. Ride jolting elevators up the hills and walk through the city center declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Discover outstanding street art full of politics and irony. Galleries and museums, such as the former home of poet Pablo Neruda, invite you to visit. Cozy cafes and sophisticated restaurants grace your day in Valparaíso.

- Viña del Mar / Valparaíso -
- Viña del Mar / Valparaíso -

Lovely beach promenade of Viña del Mar

Viña del Mar is considered one of the most attractive places to live in Chile and is appreciated beyond the country's borders for its beautiful, kilometer-long sandy beaches, its upscale infrastructure and its chic flair. Saunter along the promenade, explore the city center or visit the green park Quinta Vergara. Viña del Mar also offers many possibilities for shopping.


- Departure from Chile -
- Departure from Chile -

Goodbye to Chile

Today your journey ends. You go to the airport of the Chilean capital. From there you travel home, full of new impressions of this special piece of earth.

Planned Accommodation

Contents of your Travel Package


  • Individual and professional advice about your journey
  • Customized travel planning and organization
  • Accommodation generally with breakfast (as mentioned above or similar)
  • National flights
  • Transfers / long distance bus rides
  • Contribution for ecological project Fair Chile
  • Donation for social institution Domingo Savio


  • Arrival and departure
  • Half and full day tours
  • Entrance fees
  • Travel insurance
  • Short rides (e.g. accommodation to tour meeting point or bus terminal)
  • Meals not mentioned


Price for your Journey

The total price for all participants is


Additional Information

  • The selection of accommodation is based on sophisticated criteria in terms of amenities, cleanliness, location, style, service and sustainability. The standard category corresponds to hotels with two to three stars, comfort is equivalent to three to four stars, premium corresponds to four to five stars. Due to the preference of small, local providers, the classification of each hotel may vary slightly.
  • In the case of included tours, these take place in groups. Depending on the season and provider, the group size may vary. If you prefer to take part in privately guided tours instead, we will be pleased to make the necessary adjustments to your travel package.
  • Please note that the visit of certain places, given the altitude, activity or other circumstances, can be physically demanding and require intact health.
  • There may be minor deviations of the travel itinerary shown. If in exceptional cases one of the contents of the travel package cannot be confirmed, for example, one of the listed accommodations is fully booked, we will organize a comparable travel service.